Archive For July 24, 2022

Saturday July 30th, 2022 Rain Date Sunday July 31st Kennisis Lake Marina Shoreline & Docks 9:00 am Start Time – Marathon Swim from Island to Marina Docks…Harper Family Trophy 12 and Under – Bin Family Trophy (ALL participants must be accompanied by a non-motorized boat) 10:00 am Start Time – Horseshoe Tournament…McCann Family Trophy REGISTRATION: Please sign up for events at the Registration Table. Open to…

RAIN DATE – Monday, August 1 (Same timing and course) The course will be the usual Bullfrog Bay Start – 2PM start sharp. Start Signals – 5 minute 3 whistles, 1 minute 2 whistles, START – One long whistle Course is Bullfrog Bay to Pine Point, PP to the Blueberry Islands, BB Islands return to…

It’s that time of year – all our friends and neighbours are returning to the Lake – boy was there a steady stream of cars coming into the Lake(s) today. Along with residents returning our bears are as well. Lots of visitors – especially a young ones sniffing around looking for food – berries aren’t…

2022 KLCOA Calendar of Events ***Please note that when you sign up to register for an event on our website it comes up as “Membee Event”. Membee is the name of our new membership system and not a spelling error on the word “Member”. We are currently working with the company to have this changed…

In This Issue… TSW Water Level Management Update More Recent Articles FROM THE TSW: Weather The 14-day forecast suggests continued high temperatures with little to no rainfall in the first six days and some potential rainfall in the seven to 14-day range. Most of the rainfall forecasted is associated with thunderstorms and could be highly…

NEW REGULATIONS FOR PUTTING YOUR BOAT IN AND OUT OF THE WATERThe Ontario Government announced changes to the Invasive Species Act late last year adding 12 additional species under the act and classifying watercraft including Boats, Canoes and Kayaks as Carriers of Invasive Species effective January 1, 2022. Enforcement of the regulations classifying Watercraft as an…