CEWF – Coalition for Equitable Water Flow – TSW Drawdown Forecast – July 20/21

CEWF – Coalition for Equitable Water Flow – TSW Drawdown Forecast – July 20/21

In This Issue…

TSW Drawdown Forecast – July 20/21

More Recent Articles To view the two-week forecast from TSW – click hereAll reservoirs are above seasonal average levels and are facing a period of gradual drawdown assuming we do not experience more major rainfall events. The TSW has the goal of bringing all lakes back closer to normal seasonal levels, and they are actively managing dams throughout the reservoirs.  However after recent significant rainfall events (in June the Haliburton rainfall total was 154% of normal and so far in July we have already seen 119% of normal monthly rainfall) local inflows to all lakes and river sections is an important factor which slows the impact of dam operations and complicates forecasting.The plan is to draw the reservoirs in the upper Gull River basin down over this two-week forecast period.  The drawdown of the Burnt River reservoirs is slower because of the high flows on the lower Burnt River which has no controls. The central lakes are being drawn down slowly with significant local inflows.It is important to recognize that the drawdown forecast reflects current levels and inflows, and planned dam operations. It cannot account for possible rainfall events and is therefore subject to change More Recent Articles

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To view the TSW two-week drawdown forecast – click here