Spring Meeting

Spring Meeting

The Spring Meeting of the KLCOA will take place on Saturday May 18th. Registration will begin at 8:30 am. The meeting is being held in the Logging Museum at the Haliburton Forest.

Here is the agenda for the meeting:

9:00 Welcome
Determination of Quorum
Approval of Agenda of 2019 Spring Meeting
Approval of Minutes of Fall 2018 Annual General Meeting
Introduction of Board Members

9:05 Mayor Andrea Roberts

9:20 Councillor John Smith

9:30 Kennisis Marina – Chad Burden

9:40 OPP Update and Boating Safety – Constable Peter Allore

10:00 Update – KLCOA President – Deb Wratschko

10:10 Financial Review 2018 Actuals and 2019 Budget – Grant DeMarsh

10:20 Stewardship Updates – Jim Prince and Gino Ariano
Shoreline Restoration Workshops
Traditional Rights of Way

10:35 Haliburton Forest and Wildlife Reserve – Malcolm Cockwell

10:50 The Environmental Effects of Spraying for Mosquitoes – Dr. Chris Brew

11:20 Mandatory Septic Inspection Update – John Smith

11:30 Questions and Discussion from the Floor

11:40 Adjourn