Roadside Cleanup

Roadside Cleanup

Spring Is Nearly Here!

As the snow slowly melts away the garbage along our roadsides will soon be very visible.  Continuing with our long term commitment, a cleanup of Kennisis Lake Road has been scheduled for Saturday May 4th.  A few years back the KLCOA adopted a stretch of Kennisis Lake Road – north from Caboodle Lane to just past Wilkinson Road in an agreement with Haliburton County.  With the success of the voluntary cleanup of Watts Road last fall organized by Julie Bramm and Natalie Wood we are expanding the effort for the spring of 2019 and hope to recruit sufficient volunteers to complete a cleanup of all of the major roads around both Kennisis Lakes.

We are looking for volunteers to help out on either or both Saturday May 4th and May 11th.  All materials will be provided – we just need a bit of your time.  Please email Brenda Smith at or Natalie Wood at if you can give us a hand for an hour or two or are interested in being a road captain to recruit and organize a team for a specific area.