KLCOA Summer Challenge – Ready, Set, GO!

KLCOA Summer Challenge – Ready, Set, GO!

The Challenge continues until August 15.

Get your own dockside Olympics on!

What a crazy 16 months it has been. Things that we took for granted were postponed or cancelled and our little “covid” bubbles became our norm. This is the second summer that the KLCOA has had to cancel summer regatta, an event that has been a lake staple for decades. This August long weekend, the KLCOA offers cottagers the option to participate in a dockside edition of regatta. Join in the fun and post your results on our Facebook page. 

 For details for the full summer events see below

You can register for the events at klcoachallenge21@gmail.com or on
Facebook Page:  KLCOA Summer Challenge 2021 https://www.facebook.com/groups/217672023227280