KLCOA SAILING REGATTA – Monday August 2 Results

KLCOA SAILING REGATTA – Monday August 2 Results

The annual KLCOA Sailing Regatta was held on Monday August 2, 2021.  10 sailing craft participated, with light winds out of the northwest at the Bullfrog Bay start and shifting to westerly with some nice gusts at the last make near the Blueberry Islands. 
The following are the overall race results in order of finish with the class results shown below:    
Dan Jovicic – Hobie 18
John Sensicle – CL14
Marianne Burke, Scott Pillon + Crew – Hobie Escape
Claude Roy – Laser
Monte Lin – Hobie Wave
John Cooke, Nicole Cooke, Jack Cooke – Prindle Cat
Dan Sutton – Windsurfer
Jeffrey Case – Hobie Wave 
Jim Prince – Zuma
Peter Jones + 2 Crew– Hobie Escape (DNF- back to the dock for libations)
Class Results 

Catamaran ClassDinghy CassLaser ClassSailboard Class
1st -Dan Jovicic – Hobie 18 
2nd – Marianne Burke, Scott Pillon + Crew – Hobie 18
3rd – Monte Lin – Hobie Wave
John Cooke, Nicole Cooke, Jack Cooke – Prindle Cat
Jeffrey Case – Hobie Wave 
1st– John Sensicle – CL14
1st -Claude Roy – Laser
2nd Jim Prince – Zuma
1st Dan Sutton – Windsurfer

Thanks to all sailors and crew who participated and to Gaby Cooke for keeping an eye on the sailors in the committee boat.
Jim Prince
KLCOA Sailing Coordinator