Kennisis Lake Benthic Monitoring

Kennisis Lake Benthic Monitoring
 Bugs in our Shoreline Muck Equals a Healthy Lake 

Fall 2021
The KLCOA continues to participate in a project that is part of a benthic macroinvertebrate biomonitoring program in Haliburton County.  Testing will be conducted the week of September 13-19, 2021 at various sites around our lakes. 
The program is being coordinated by Woodland and Waterways EcoWatch ( which is part of U-Links Community Based Research ( and supported by Trent University.
Benthic Testing is an assessment of shoreline substrate or “muck” to look for the presence of benthic macroinvertebrates or “bugs” which is an additional indicator of lake health.  A healthy Benthic Community in our lakes is an indicator of a healthy lake.   
The goal of the program on Kennisis, is to establish a baseline for benthic data at several locations on our lake and then monitor the benthic community over a number of years. 
The larger program across Haliburton County is intended to monitor and compare results across lakes and to assess and possibly address changes to the health of each lake. 
U-Links staff and Trent University Students performed Benthos sampling around Kennisis in September 2019 and September 2020.  The results will be available later in the year and will be posted on our website (