County of Haliburton – Shoreline Protection By-law Consultation

County of Haliburton – Shoreline Protection By-law Consultation

The County of Haliburton continues to seek public input on the creation of a Shoreline Protection By-law.

As we are aware, our Kennisis Lakes, rivers and associated natural environmental features support Haliburton’s way of life and our stewardship of the shorelines on these waterways is central to the creation of a Shoreline Protection By-law. Building on the current Haliburton County policies and by-laws, the County is considering strengthening shoreline protection.

Additional information can be found at :

This may include new protection for natural shoreline vegetation, specifically native species, located within 30 m of the high water mark, creating a permit process for site alteration within 30 m of the high water mark or other shoreline protection protocols.

Healthy, natural shorelines on lakes and rivers protect aquatic communities, fish habitat, source water and mitigates flooding.  Healthy shorelines are one of the primary contributors to healthy lakes and watersheds.

Healthy Shorelines = Healthy Lakes = Healthy Economy in our Haliburton Community

Haliburton County continues to solicit input for the development of a new Shoreline Protection By-law.

You can participate at Wade In, Haliburton County :