KLCOA Children’s Water Festival
The KLCOA is happy to announce a new event for children and their families to participate in this summer. It’s a chance to have fun and at the same time learn about the importance of lake health and the environment surrounding it and how the two are related.
While toddlers to teen youth are welcome and could benefit from participation, the activities are designed for children in grades 3 to 8 (ages 8-12).

When: July 13 from 11:00am to 12:30pm
Check-in will start at 10:30am.
Where: The Kennisis Lake Marina
Pre-registration will be required as there will be a
limited number of participants to keep the
experiences safe and well supported.
Cost is by donation and $5 per child is suggested.
The event will consist of activities that children and the adults accompanying them, can participate in. Each activity will have a Water related theme. Some examples of the activity centres are: ‘Bugs in the Mud’ -At this activity centre, participants will discover strange creatures living in the Benthic Zone, the bottom, as well as other levels of the Lake. They will learn about some of these creatures’ interesting adaptations and about identifying bugs as a part of ‘citizen scientist’ acts that help track the health of local waterways. (Run in partnership with ULinks) Riparian Repair ~ Participants will be introduced to the components that are necessary for riparian zone function, with a strong focus on plants. They will come to understand how important a healthy, plant-filled riparian zone is to all watersheds. They will see there are many plant and animal interactions amid the Ribbon of Life. Students will also be introduced to the thought process behind stewardship and shoreline restoration so they can become great waterfront stewards themselves. Stow-away Guardians – here participants will learn about aquatic invasive species that can travel between water bodies attached to our boats by completing a challenge that includes the steps involved in successfully cleaning them off toy models. What’s In the Water? – Participants will be able to test the water in Kennisis Lake for things that we can’t normally see. Children will do some hands-on testing using some cool water testing equipment with help from Water Scientists. This is a wonderful opportunity for the children of the Kennisis Lakes to have a fun learning experience. They are our lake stewards of tomorrow. Thanks for helping them connect with the KLCOA Children’s Water Festival. Contact us at with any questions that you may have. The KLCOA has partnered with Friends of Ecological and Environmental Learning (F.E.E.L.) to be able to present this fun, activity filled day to the future stewards of our lake. F.E.E.L has been running the Children’s Water Festival for regional elementary students every fall for a number of years and we are very fortunate that they have teamed up with us to provide the families on the Kennisis Lake the benefit of their experience. Families can learn more about this event and being Water Heroes year round at their websites; or |