Archive For May 31, 2023
See Artist’s that will be exhibiting at this year’s Art on the Dock Here is the Brochure for the weekend – click on this and you will get the FlipBook to browse through.
The KLCOA will host a video conference on Tuesday, May 30 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm to explain how the KLCOA/RLCA Propane Group Buy works and the process to join. Our lead contact at Superior Propane, Jeff Voyer, will lead the discussion. The KLCOA/RLCA Superior Propane Group Buy Porgram has been active for ten years. …
Our Benthic Biomonitoring testing continued in 2022 with six sites monitored. Benthic Biomonitoring looks at the “Bugs in our Muck” by sampling and benthic community analysis which is an indicator of lake health. So far, our shoreline benthos communities look healthy, and monitoring will continue through 2023 when we will have completed the 5-year baseline data collection. See…
The Legal Transfer of Soap Pond Lands to the KLCOA was completed in 2022 as part of the KLCOA Lands Committee “Protecting Open Space” initiative.A Land Use Principles Workshop was promoted by E-Blast and held via an online meeting in October 2022 and the following general principles were proposed:Soap Pond Lands will be protected in…
Our Water Quality (WQ) testing continued in 2022 and the results showed that although our Kennisis lakes are still in relatively good shape from a water quality perspective, the trend however, is showing higher nutrients over time which indicates a degradation in our water quality. We still have higher than normal Total Phosphorus (TP) results in…