The KLCOA Board of Directors has now reviewed the 2020 year-to-date financial position of the organization. Due to the ongoing support of our membership this year, combined with decreased 2020 expenses (due to events cancelled and deferred because of COVID-19), we have generated an operating surplus. As such, the KLCOA will be offering an optional COVID-19 rebate of $20 towards 2021 membership renewals.

The rebate will be offered as a onetime optional coupon against the 2021 membership renewal.

When you receive your 2021 invoice you will be able to apply a coupon called “Optional COVID Rebate” to your invoice to reduce the amount from $40 to $20


When you receive your 2021 renewal invoice you can choose NOT to apply the coupon and pay the full $40 annual membership renewal.  If you choose this option, the $20 rebate that you did NOT take will be divided equally between the general reserve fund* and an account for specific initiatives as recommended by the board.

This optional rebate will only be available until March 31, 2021.

*The current general reserve fund is approx $24,000 and has been at that level for a number of years.  The board of directors believes that it would be prudent to increase the reserve fund to a level that is closer to the recommended one year of operating costs which is approx. $30,000.