Archive For April 3, 2019

This article was provided by the CHA. One of my fondest and most vivid memories growing up in Haliburton County was the night sky. Like so many kids, we spent hours lying on the dock gazing at the stars while contemplating the universe and the meaning of life. Of course, we still do that today…

This article was provided by the CHA. There’s something about fireworks that people love. Generally, I’m not a fan of loud noises, but when it’s accompanied by flashes of light and dazzling displays of colour, it’s hard not to get sucked in. But have you ever noticed all that smoke during the brief flashes of…

From Cottage Life…………. Comprehensive new legislation from the Canadian government, the Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Act (C-64), may sound like it’s aimed at freighters and tankers, but it could prove to be an important tool in combatting another problem: recreational boats that are scuttled by owners. “Wrecked, abandoned, and hazardous vessels can pose environmental,…