Archive For April 19, 2019

The KLCOA has been a long time supporter of the CEWF. The Coalition for Equitable Water Flow, (CEWF), is a coalition of 32 member Lake Associations which includes 91% of the Trent Severn Waterway’s (TSW’s) reservoir lake storage capacity and covers the sub-watersheds of the Gull, Burnt & Mississagua Rivers plus Nogies, Eels & Jack’s…

The CEWF Executive Committee has been receiving some questions and comments from members regarding this spring’s water management in the reservoirs by Parks Canada. The main concern we have heard relates to the late filling of many of the reservoirs. Your Executive has been in regular communication with the TSW water management team, and we…

Technology to Fight Climate Change Ever wonder how you may be able to help out in the fight against climate change while continuing to heat your home, driving to work and generally still doing the things that many consider part of day to day living? It turns out the answer is in the trees and…

In December of 2017 Dysart Council passed a bylaw making the inspection of septic systems on all properties near a shoreline mandatory. Property owners on both of the Kennisis Lakes must have the prescribed inspections completed by an approved inspector prior to the end of 2019. Failure to complete the inspection prior to the deadline…

Shoreline Restoration Using Native Plants Shoreline protection and an understanding of how it affects waterways is critical for wildlife habitat for a variety of species including spawning fish, naturalize-shoreline aquatic insects,turtles and nesting waterfowl. Shoreline vegetation also helps protect water quality. A dense strip of native plants is an important buffer filtering snow and water…

Protecting Our Lakes On March 27th the Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners Association (CHA) made a presentation to the Council of the County of Haliburton urging more action to protect our lakes. The CHA believes that more action is necessary in order to protect the health of our lakes, especially with the increased risks due…