An Opportunity to Improve Your Shoreline
The KLCOA is once again offering a Tree Planting Program to members. The purpose of the program is to rehabilitate open areas, to control erosion, create a windbreak or buffer, naturalize shorelines, or create wildlife habitat.
Over the past few years, the KLCOA has sold over 6,000 seedlings through this program. Based on the extensive shoreline observations completed during the ‘Love Your Lake’ work in 2016 it appears that there are a substantial number of properties on our lakes that have very healthy regenerative zones and we believe that many of these are a result of the KLCOA Tree Planting Program.
This year we have decided to work with Abbey Gardens in order to be able to offer the same low cost supply of large quantities of quality native plants as well as include the option for purchase of individual plants and seedlings for smaller projects. Abbey Gardens is committed to supporting community effort to improve shorelines on local lakes through education about shoreline naturalization and the provision of appropriate plants.
Only plants native to Ontario and in the appropriate seed zone are sourced and supplied through this program.
Participants in the KLCOA Tree Planting Program are encouraged to make a reasonable effort to control weeds or other competing species around young plants and provide adequate watering in the event of summer drought conditions to help the plants establish.
Place your order online by Saturday April 15th – just click the button at the bottom of this page.
Once final prices are confirmed after April 15, you will receive an invoice for final payment. This year we will be able to add credit card to our payment options at pickup.
The pickup location will be on the May long weekend at Abbey Gardens. There will be a number of pickup times available for your convenience and during those times there will be knowledgeable people available to answer your questions about planting.
Details and current pricing is as follows: The prices quoted may decrease based on ordering volume.
Coniferous Trees :
All trees are bare root seedlings and come in a bundle of 25 for the best price option as well as individual seedlings.
White Pine – 3 year seedling 18-30cm bare root $22.00/bundle of 25 or $1.25 each
White Spruce – 2 year seedling 15-30cm bare root $22.00/bundle of 25 or $1.25 each
Red Pine – 3 year seedling 15-30cm bare root $22.00/bundle of 25 or $1.25 each
Deciduous Trees :
All trees are bare root seedlings and come in a bundle of 25 for the best price option as well as individual seedlings.
Red Oak – 2 year seedling 45-60cm bare root $38.00/bundle of 25 or $2.75 each
Black Cherry – 2 year seedling 45-60cm bare root $68.00/bundle of 25 or 3.50 each
Shrubs :
A Shoreline Shrub Bundle will also be offered. These bundles of 25 will be comprised of 5 different species; red osier dogwood, buttonbush, American Highbush Cranberry, American elderberry and Nannyberry. These may change based on availability. All of these shrubs will also be offered as individual seedlings and this year we will be able to offer red osier dogwood, American elderberry and buttonbush as larger plants with root balls.
Mixed species bundle – 1yr seedlings bare root (5 each of 5 different species) $53.50/bundle of 25
Nannyberry 2 year seedling 30-45cm bare root $3.00 each
American Elderberry 1 year seedling 30-45cm bare root $2.25 each
Red Osier Dogwood 1 year seedling 30-45cm bare root $1.30 each
American Highbush Cranberry 1 year seedling 30-45cm $2.50 each
Buttonbush 1 year seedling 30-45cm $2.50 each
American Elderberry 40cm with root ball $17.25 each
Red Osier Dogwood 40cm with root ball $16.96 each
Buttonbush 60cm with root ball $25.59 each
Grow Wild Kits:
Abbey Gardens Grow Wild Kits are available to order at a discounted price to KLCOA members. These kits take the guesswork out of planting areas of approximately 10’ x 10’ based on soil conditions.
Check out the brochure for these kits here.
Pollinator Kit – Kit 1 $202.50 each
Shade, Dry to Normal Soil – Kit 2 $202.50
Sunny, Moist to Wet Soil – Kit 3 $202.50
If you have any questions, please email and a tree planting representative will contact you.