Archive For The “Stewardship” Category

Webinar: It’s All About the Water

Webinar: It’s All About the Water

Webinar: It’s All About the Water
Wednesday June 12, 2024
7:00 – 8:00 pm

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Septic System Update

Septic System Update

Check out our new website tabs on Septic System Health.

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Blue Green Algae in November and December – What to do

Blue Green Algae in November and December – What to do

Why are we seeing Blooms on our lakes at this time of year. Thus we are sending you the attached Fact Sheet from Blue Green Algae Blooms in November and December – whyFact Sheet What to do if you suspect a Blue Green Algae Bloom Take pictures- as high resolution as possible i. Swim in…

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UPDATE Blue-Green Algae Bloom – Sept 4 & 5 2023

UPDATE Blue-Green Algae Bloom – Sept 4 & 5 2023

Blue-Green Algae Confirmed Lab Tests – Toxin Levels Below Drinking Water and Recreational Limits A blue-green algae bloom was reported on the north shore of Kennisis Lake near the second bridge at Kelly Lake.  The algal bloom was first noticed midday on September 4.  The visible bloom dispersed later in the day when the wind and…

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KLCOA Dark Skies Night

KLCOA Dark Skies Night

Saturday August 12th – KLCOA Dark Skies Night One of the joys of being at the cottage is the thrill of seeing the magnificent night sky that many of us can never experience at home in our urban environments.  But outdoor lighting at our cottages can create light pollution, obscuring our views of the stars.  You may not…

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Septic Inspection Workshop – July 15, 2023 10:00AM to 12:00 noon

Septic Inspection Workshop – July 15, 2023 10:00AM to 12:00 noon

Register Here

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