Septic Update

Septic Update

While we wait for the implementation of mandatory septic re-inspections in Dysart the KLCOA sponsored two septic inspection open houses in 2017.

As a result 27 property owners on the Kennisis lakes had comprehensive inspections, including pump outs, completed as of the end of August.  Each of these property owners deserves our thanks for stepping forward.  Under no obligation these water quality “heroes” decided to lead with their pocket books and take a critically important step toward helping to preserve the quality of water in the Kennisis lakes.

From above ground all of these septic systems looked fine.  There were no visible indications of problems at any of the properties.  However, with all of the lids off, after the pump outs were completed at 10 of the sites all was not well.  In 10 of the 27 (37%) septic systems various component failures were allowing septage to leak into the ground around the septic tanks and into our lakes!  The inspector described the reaction of most property owners as shocked and distressed that their systems were leaking septage.

The good news is that in most cases relatively minor and inexpensive repairs were completed to eliminate the problems.  In only one case was the entire septic tank in need of replacement.

These property owners had decided to do the right thing by ordering an inspection.  They fully deserve our thanks for taking that step and through their thoughtfulness reducing the flow of harmful contaminants into our lakes.

Hopefully more property owners will do the same rather than waiting for Dysart to make such inspections mandatory.

Comments or questions may be directed to, a KLCOA volunteer who is not in the septic business.